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Education in metaphysics, scientific prayer, visualization, imagination, and the power of your subconscious mind.

There are no links to any books except my personal essays and the reading list from the University of Metaphysics.  I either purchased books through Kindle and Audible, or found them at my local library. You can also visit to purchase books, meditation downloads and more!

The Sermon on the Mount

The Key to Success in Life

Emmet Fox

This book is a metaphysical interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew and also the Lord's Prayer. One of the best books I have ever read, it teaches us that by mastering our thoughts and emotions, we can create the life we desire. We are the absolute monarchs of our lives.

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Around the Year with Emmet Fox

Emmet Fox

This is a book of daily readings by the great metaphysician, Emmet Fox

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Emmet Fox

All of Emmet's books are worth your time. Some titles to look into are: The Mental Equivalent, The 10 Commandments, Stake Your Claim, and Power Through Constructive Thinking,

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Built on Faith

Lezli Goodwin

This book is a great teacher if you want to learn affirmative (scientific) prayer as taught at the Centers for Spiritual Living, founded by Ernest Holmes. My favorite and most empowering form of prayer can be found here through this author.

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Sacred Sundays

Wade Adkisson

Spiritual Mind Treatment, Affirmative Prayer and Scientific Prayer are one and the same. This great little book packs a punch that you don't want to miss. Following a brief description of what Ernest Holmes has taught/created, you get powerful prayers on health, prosperity, love and creativity.

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The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life 


Dr. Sue Morter

Transform your life with this revolutionary and accessible seven-step guide - grounded in energy medicine, neurobiology, and quantum physics - to awaken your true health and potential through energy healing.

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The Neville Collection

Neville Goddard

These books explain the incredible power of your imagination. This collection was a  good price on Kindle, but some of the info gets repetitive. If you find a better price on one of his reads that gets your attention, that is an option also.

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Metaphysical Manifestation

Susan Mattson

This is my thesis that I wrote as part of my master's degree. Click the link and enjoy!

The Basics of Spiritual Mind Healing

Ernest Holmes

The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes is...maybe 700 pages? This is a condensed version of key information about the fabulous teachings of Ernest Holmes.

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31 Affirmative Prayers

Ernest Holmes

This is a combination of affirmative prayers and education/bible interpretation.

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Science of Mind Magazine

Centers for Spiritual Living, founder, Ernest Holmes

Published since 1927, this powerful magazine revolves around spiritual science and spiritual psychology. Check it out at

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The Power of your Subconscious Mind

Dr. Joseph Murphy

The title of the book speaks for itself. Get ready to be empowered!

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Dr. Jacent Mpalyenkana-Murray

21 days of counseling, affirmative prayer, and the Mirror Method, to cleanse your subconscious mind and then command your life back to Divine Order.

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The Cloud of Unknowing: A New Translation

Carmen Butcher, translator

Author unknown, this book was written sometime in the 14th century. A loving teacher to a student, he (or she) teaches the student about contemplative prayer.

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Practical Mysticism: A Little Book for Normal People

Evelyn Underhill

A mystic is one who has achieved union with a higher consiousness, or God, through meditation. Practical mysticism uses this guidance, or intuition for right decisions in everyday life.

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Practical Mysticism (Rosicrucian Order, AMORC Kindle)

Edward Lee

Another book on connecting with the Divine through meditation,  there is a lot of info packed into a short read. You can join AMORC and study online for only $15.00 a month.

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The Secret

Rhonda Byrnes

Clear and easy to read info on your innate power to manifest anything you want.

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Secrets of Metaphysics Mastery: 3 books in 1

Erik Tao

A menagerie of information on an array of metaphysical topics.

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The Revealing Word: A Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms for Sacred Book Bible

Charles Fillmore

This helps to translate Bible scripture into metaphysical meaning. For example, the word "heart" is believed by some metaphysicians to mean "subconscious mind."

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Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Deepak Chopra

Based on the natural laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exciting plans, or driving ambition. A short and powerful must read.

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Deepak Chopra

 For the past thirty years, Deepak Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution in the West. I suggest getting samples of his books before buying because some of them are easy for me to comprehend and some are over my head. He has too many books to list!  The Seven Spiritual Laws is GREAT and understandable. I also like Creating Affluence and Total Meditation: Practices in Living the Awakened Life. 

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Manifest Now

Idil Ahmed

Manifest Now provides a step-by-step guide with tools, techniques, and proven strategies to raise your frequency and create the reality you want.

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Meditation for Beginners

Gregory F George

This is a good introduction to transcendental meditation. This audiobook is the perfect way for beginners to approach this practice, because it allows them to discover meditation both theoretically and practically.

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The Ultimate David Hawkins Library

David Hawkins

 Affectionately called "doc" by those who loved him and knew him best, Sir David Ramon Hawkins, MD, PhD, died peacefully at home in Sedona, Arizona, on September 19, 2012, at the age of 85. Yet his profound message of spiritual truth, enlightenment, and growth lives on in this incredible new audio collection, The Ultimate David Hawkins Library.

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Affirmations, Contemplation and Scientific Prayer: The Trinity That Transforms

Susan Mattson

This is the dissertation that I wrote as part of my doctoral degree. Click the link and enjoy!

University of Metaphysics Recommended Reading List

Various Authors

The University provides a reading list of books covering a wide variety of metaphysical topics. Click the link for the selection.


James Nestor

No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly. This book opened my eyes to breathing and how it affects mental, physical and spiritual health.

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