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Manly Palmer Hall
Study of Magnetism

Recognized as a 33rd degree Mason in 1973, Manly P. Hall provides us with this illuminating study of magnetism. Here is a brief synopsis of the video:

Our survival depends on maintaining the integrity of the flow of energy. It comes from the sun in an energy tube in the magnetic field, enters through the crown of the head, disseminates through the entire body, exits and is recleansed by the solar energy. This is a private capsule of light we carry about.

Empty air is not empty at all. it is a field of magnetic energy and the atmosphere carries the magnetism of the sun. Air transmits, and we can have many programs "on the air" at the same time, coming from different directions, overlapping and yet separately identified as if moving in a channel of it's own according to its vibration.

Humans are surrounded by an energy field, an egg-like atmospherical sheath that expands 3 to 5 feet around the body. THIS FIELD IS THE BASIS OF VIRTUE. If one is mentally, physically, emotionally "keepin the rules," this field protects and heals. If you take care of your magnetic field, it will serve you. The moment we break the laws of Nature or God, the magnetic field fails. It can be destroyed by moods, attitudes, selfishness, fear, anger, alcohol or drugs. THE LAW OF THE ENERGY FIELD IS THE LAW OF INTEGRITY. Watch this amazing clip!


The Human Light Body, Food as Medicine and More!

This information comes from a video called “The Magic of 4:04pm, The Highest Vibrational Field”.

The human body literally glows emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities, and the levels rise and fall at different times of the day. The light is 1000 times less intense than that visible by the human eye. All living creatures omit a low light.Scientists in Japan used highly sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons in light tight rooms. Photons are the carriers of the electromagnetic field.

Five healthy males were placed in front of the cameras for 20 minutes every three hours. Their ‘body glow' rose and fell throughout the day with the lowest light being omitted at 10AM and the brightest light being omitted at 4PM. Findings suggest that there is light emission linked to the body clock likely due to fluctuations in metabolism throughout the day. Faces glowed the brightest and is most likely linked to the face getting the most sun exposure.

Dr. Joseph Mercola says, "Gone are the days when words like life energy and aura were relegated to a few books in a tiny section of some new age store. Today, scientists across the world are investigating the energies that propel, and likely even rule, life itself and hence have a profound impact on your health. Eastern medical traditions have operated on this premise for thousands of years, but western medicine, and its myopic focus on dissected parts, has been slow to adopt these ancient truths.”

Ancient knowledge known as energy medicine is coming to the forefront. A growing number of clinicians are recognizing powerful healing based on physics and not chemistry. Many natural health experts believe the body is not only made up of

tissues, blood vessels and organs, but also made up of energy or Chi, as it is known in traditional Chinese medicine. Your body is surrounded by light, or energy. Earlier studies have proven that your body omits light not visible to the naked eye, but there are some who are able to see it and even detect colors. This suggests that we can detect medical conditions with the use of highly light sensitive cameras.

Hitoshi Okamura, a circadian biologist from Kyoto University in Kyoto Japan says, “If you can see the glimmer from the body surface, you can see the whole body condition.”

Others have explained the existence of light and energy around your body in the form of a biophoton field. Dr. Dietrich Klinghart explains this with the five levels of healing, a healing model developed some 12,000 years ago. This energetic model for health has influenced Tibetan medicine, ancient Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine as well. Existence of the bio- photon field was physically proven by Dr Fritz Albert Popp in 1974. Total health is not just dependent on what goes on inside your body, but interdependent on other non-physical energy such as the energy surrounding your body which is called the biophoton field.

The Biophoton field is a sophisticated computer that processes, stores and retrieves information used to regulate your biological processes. Your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second all which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other. Popp also proved that biophotons originate from your DNA and are laser like in nature.

The DNA inside each cell of your body vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz which is (maybe unfortunately) the same frequency as cell phone service. A coil-like contraction and extension of the DNA happens several billion times per second,

and each time DNA contracts, it squeezes out one single biophoton, a light particle. That photon contains all of the information of what's going on in your DNA at that moment. A single bio photon carries more than 4 MB of information, and relays this information to other biophotons that it crosses in the biophoton field outside your body. All the photons that are omitted from your body communicate with each other in this light field that surrounds your body. Your light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes. Your light field ebbs and flows with your metabolic rhythm.

The information transfer on biophotons is bi-directional which means DNA sends information out on a biophoton, then all of the information from your biophotons is broadcast back to your cells and to your tubulin which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue. The tubulin receives the information and spreads it through the body at the speed of light, where each cell translates the information to activate or inactivate certain metabolic enzymes.

Dr. Klinghart has created technology that transfers nutrients into the body through light in the same way as if you actually ingested the nutrient through food. Photon research has also put a whole new spin on environmental toxins. Mercury, for instance, in small amounts, destroys your tubulins. Tubulins are the light conductive molecules in your connective tissue. Disrupting these all important light transmissions from your biophoton field to your cells to your metabolic enzymes, affectively disconnects the intelligent force that organizes your biochemistry.

Biophoton research shows why it is so important to eat raw food. Most life forms cannot live without sun. Dr. Johanna Budwig from Germany says that, “Live foods are electron rich and act as high powered electron donors and solar resonance fields in your

body to attract, store and conduct the sun’s energy in your body.”

The greater your store of light energy, the greater the power of your overall electromagnetic field, and consequently, the more energy that is available for healing and maintenance of optimal health. Every living organism omits light and depending on the amount of light a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is for us to eat. Sun ripened fruit and vegetables are rich in light energy. A chlorophyl supplement is another way to help your body store the sun. I learned this and more in Sayer Ji’s Regeneration Master Class.

There is no profit in promoting whole foods. Embrace any information you can find. Go to for a wealth of knowledge on food as medicine. I will list some key points from Sayer’s Master Class. Here we go!

1. DNA is no longer the primary key to understanding health and disease. The microbiome living in the human body constitutes 99 times more genetic material than found in our cells. Over 26 million previous studies did not take this into account.

2. New biology proves that there is information embedded in food through its sacred geometry. Recently discovered microRNAs play a key role in regulation of gene expression. Food contains microRNAs that communicate to the cells of our body.

3. There is genetic interdependence between plants and animals. Our bodies get energy from food and from the sun. Chlorophyll is plant blood. Eating green foods help us harvest the energy of the sunlight. Water can also take energy from the sun, store it, and power our cells.

4. The body is constantly regenerating itself on every level all the time; sub molecular, molecular and macroscopic. Remove factors (lifestyle, environmental) that interfere with the body's ability to regenerate optimally.

5. LDL serves essential functions for life. It is the vehicle which carries fats and other nutrients including cholesterol through the blood to the cells. LDL is not bad. Oxidized LDL is the problem. Consume polyphenyls via super foods to inhibit oxidative stress which damages cells. Many root causes of disease are related to a deficiency of antioxidants.

6. Water acts like a battery that converts sunlight into metabolic activity.

7. The FDA takes natural compounds that cannot be patented and alter nature’s molecular structure to make it patentable, a.k.a. synthetic, creating xenobiotics (foreign chemicals) that our body has zero exposure to.

8. The root cause of many diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer's is caused by metabolic irregularities, the rise and fall in blood sugar. Eat less sugar and more good fats.

9. A regenerative diet is fat-centric. Try avocado, olive oil, fatty fish, flaxseed and grass-fed eggs and not grains and sugar.

10. Chemical poisoning through BPA, BPS, BPF, BPM and pesticides:
These chemicals accumulate in fat, mimic hormones and are endocrine disruptors. They can cause metabolic syndrome.

11. Avoid a Western pattern diet of oxidized poly-unsaturated vegetable oils, farm raised meats, grains, artificial sweeteners and isolated fructose.


13. Wheat contains 23,000 proteins, and we lack the enzymes to break down gluten. Wheat gluten feeds the pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

The intestines can regenerate rapidly. Remove gluten and consume more flaxseed meal and oats. Flaxseeds contain the information to heal the intestinal wall.

14. Apples clean the epithelial cells in the mouth and blood vessels.

15. Fasting lets the body heal itself. Fasting is when the body eats itself, consuming bad tissue first and preserving the healthiest. We fast during sleep. A three day fast can regenerate the body by recruiting new stem cells, T cells, helper T cells and B cells which secrete antibodies.

16. Regarding immunity, new biology focuses on the microbiome as an integral part of self, not other. We are comprised more of germs and less of eukaryotic cells.

The immune system is located primarily within the alimentary canal (mouth to anus) which contain about 3 pounds of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Bacteria is essential for our health. They live in our gut and provide tens of thousands of enzymes we need to digest a wide variety of food and is a part of our immune system.

17. Study your ancestry. The diet of your ancestors is designed for your genome to optimize your health.

Meristematic cells from the root or shoot of the plant are extremely powerful and regenerative like stem cells.


Practice daily meditation and gratitude. Enjoy your life! Abundance and energy are our birthright!

Sleep is medicine. Turn off Wi-Fi and blue light. Protect your circadian rhythm.

19. You know yourself best. Use your common sense and intuition to determine what supplements you need. The mitochondria in each cell have access to near limitless energy. Within the inner mitochondria membrane there is 30 million volts per meter of potential energy and there are trillions of mitochondria in the body.

20. An isolate is a form of nutrient not found on its own in nature. Whole food supplements or whole foods are far superior – complexes, not isolates. Example would be to eat turmeric root, the whole food, not a turmeric supplement. Turmeric has hundreds of compounds. Eat flaxseed, not flaxseed oil which is an isolate.

21. Chlorella or chlorophyll assists the mitochondria in harnessing sunlight energy and defends against aging from exposure to sunlight.

22. Aloe hydrates and contains information to keep skin supple and healthy.

23. New biology offers hope for brain regeneration. Some neuritogenic substances that aid brain regeneration are:



Lion’s Mane mushrooms




Lotus root

Red sage
Royal Jelly

24. Liver Regeneration:

Eliminate high fructose corn syrup.
Increase soluble fiber.
Use oregano, curcumin, licorice and Korean ginseng.
The liver can store emotions like anger. We are not just physical beings. We are Energy.

25. Food is so much more than protein and carbs and fats. It is information. We are all made from the same energy. Everything is. It is all connected. Different foods heal different things and communicate with different cells. I believe that whole foods, just as the Creator made them, is our medicine. Food, combined with exercise, a.k.a. sweating, proper sleep, managing your emotions and staying in gratitude is about as good as it gets when it comes to a health regimen. Everyone is different. We all must be our own doctor. I hope this information is helpful. Like all of the information on my site, there is no motive for profit but just a desire to share holistic health information. Please do your own research.

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